A pH booster is a substance or product designed to increase the pH level of a solution or system. The pH scale measures the acidity or alkalinity of a substance, with values ranging from 0 to 14. A pH of 7 is considered neutral, values below 7 are acidic, and values above 7 are alkaline or basic.

pH boosters are commonly used in various applications, including swimming pools, aquariums, hydroponics, and water treatment systems. They are typically added to adjust the pH level to a desired range for optimal conditions. Different substances can be used as pH boosters, depending on the specific requirements and the nature of the solution.
Some common pH boosters include:
Sodium carbonate (soda ash):
It is a common pH increaser used in swimming pools and spas. It raises the pH level and helps to neutralize acidity.
Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda):
Baking soda is another household substance that can be used as a pH booster. It is effective for minor pH adjustments and is often used in aquariums.
Calcium carbonate:
This compound is commonly found in the form of limestone or crushed coral. It is used as a natural pH buffer in aquariums to maintain a stable alkaline environment.
Potassium hydroxide:
It is a strong base and can be used as a pH booster in certain industrial applications or when a more significant pH increase is required.
When using a pH booster, it is essential to follow the manufacturer’s instructions and measure the pH level regularly to avoid overcorrection or imbalance. Additionally, it’s important to note that pH adjustments may have an impact on the overall chemistry and compatibility of the solution, so it’s crucial to consider the specific requirements of the system or application in question.